Digestive Health

7. Diseases and Disorders of the Pancreas

The pancreas is a six-to-eight-inch-long organ that extends horizontally behind the stomach near the upper portion of the small intestine. It supports the small intestine by producing enzymes needed to help digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Its other major role is producing the hormones insulin and glucagon. Both hormones work … Read More

6. Disorders of the Gallbladder

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped pouch next to the liver. It assists in the digestive process by storing bile until it is needed to digest fats in the small intestine. Bile is a fluid produced by the liver, and is made from water, bile acid, cholesterol, bilirubin, and lecithin. … Read More

5. Diseases and Disorders of the Liver

Located in the upper-right side of the abdomen, the liver is your body’s largest organ, and a true workhorse. It converts nutrients to products the body can use, stores these nutrients, and delivers them where needed. It also stores iron, manufactures choles-terol, makes bile to digest fats, removes toxins from … Read More

2. Diagnostic Tests

In many cases, a digestive disorder can be diagnosed from common symptoms, a physical exam, and simple blood tests. But many digestive disorders share symptoms, making diagnosis tricky. Plus, some diseases, like colon cancer, need to be detected before symptoms appear so they can be effectively treated. In these incidences, … Read More

1. How Your Digestive System Works

It’s said that you are what you eat. Your diet dictates your overall health and wellbeing. The right foods feed your body the nutrients it needs to maintain an active lifestyle, keep your brain alert, and protect you from illness and disease. But there is much more going on every … Read More

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