
Spotlight on Supplements: Oregano Oil

· · Diabetes
Overview. Oregano oil (Oreganum vulgare), sometimes called wild marjoram oil or winter marjoram oil, is the essential oil extract of the herb oregano, providing many phytochemicals, which are attributed to a range of benefits. Despite well-known culinary uses, the scientific evidence for oregano oil to support health is sparse. Special … Read More

Not All Types of Body Fat Are Created Equal

· · Diabetes
It’s not news that obesity increases the risk of several conditions and diseases, such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer, but what may not be as commonly known is that it’s not so much the quantity of fat in your … Read More

Research Round Up April 2024

· · Diabetes
• Plant-Based Diet May Lower Diabetes Risk. Eating a healthy plant-based diet may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 24 percent, according to researchers. The study, which included more than 113,000 participants over 12 years, found that, because a healthy plant-based diet can improve liver … Read More

Shortening Sleep Time Increases Diabetes Risk in Women

· · Diabetes
A recent Columbia University study revealed that reducing sleep by just 90 minutes over six weeks raised insulin resistance in women who typically get sufficient sleep, with a more significant impact on postmenopausal women. The study concentrated on women due to indications that poor sleep may have a more substantial … Read More

Reviewing Glycemic Index & Load

· · Diabetes
Almost 1 in every 10 Americans has diabetes and as many as 95 percent of those have type 2 diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dietary management is a crucial part of reducing risk for both developing type 2 diabetes and for managing the disease if … Read More

Make Time for Tea

· · Diabetes
Tea has been enjoyed for more than 5,000 years. Its consmption is supported by modern research for related health benefits and disease risk reduction. Tea Basics. Tea contains polyphenols, antioxidant plant compounds associated with health benefits. The four types of tea known as “true” teas—white, green, Oolong, and black—are all … Read More

Research Round Up February 2024

· · Diabetes
• Adapted Med Diet Potential. A culturally appropriate adaptation of the Med diet to a Med-soul food diet for stroke patients in the Southeastern U.S. improved stroke risk factors, researchers say. The study included patients admitted to the hospital for acute ischemic stroke with at least one metabolic risk factor: … Read More

Unlock Rapid Fitness Gains with HIIT Training

· · Diabetes
Given that lack of time is one of the most-often cited excuses for not exercising, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) just might be the ideal exercise. It might sound like an exercise program for elite athletes, but this approach is appropriate for anyone who wants significant gains in a short period … Read More

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