Bones & Joints


· · Bones & Joints
analgesic: Class of drugs that includes most painkillers. anesthesia: State of partial or complete loss of sensation and, sometimes, loss of consciousness. anesthetic: Drug that temporarily blocks pain. arthroscopy: Minimally invasive surgical procedure. atherosclerosis: Disease characterized by enlarging deposits (plaques) of certain fats (including cholesterol) and/or calcium on the inside … Read More

11. Conclusion

· · Bones & Joints
Every year, researchers, physicians, and health-care providers make new advances toward solving the problems associated with arthritis. Sometimes the advances are in diagnosis. In other years, it’s treatment or rehabilitation. This year, it was all three. New imaging technology and greater understanding of the role of genetics and biomarkers have … Read More

9. Exercise and Nutrition as Arthritis Treatment

· · Bones & Joints
According to the Arthritis Foundation, physical activity is the best non-drug treatment for improving pain and function in osteoarthritis (OA). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) note that participating in joint-friendly physical activity can improve pain, joint function, mood, and quality of life for people with arthritis. Even … Read More

6. Other Types of Arthritis

· · Bones & Joints
hile you likely are familiar with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and gout, you may not be aware that there are 100 types of arthritis—and you may not know that some health conditions you have heard of (for example, fibromyalgia and lupus) are considered to be forms of arthritis. In this … Read More

5. Gout and Pseudogout

· · Bones & Joints
Gout affects up to 8 million Americans, and occurs when sharp crystal-like deposits form in the joints. Similar deposits also characterize a condition called pseudogout; however, they are derived from calcium. It is important to accurately diagnose gout and pseudogout, since the conditions are treated differently. Gout Gout is a … Read More

4. Rheumatoid Arthritis

· · Bones & Joints
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is chronic and inflammatory, but it differs from osteoarthritis (OA) in several ways. For example, RA is an autoimmune disease that attacks joints; in OA, the joints wear out. RA affects significantly fewer people than OA: 1.5 million compared to more than 30 million. RA also develops … Read More

3. Osteoarthritis

· · Bones & Joints
Five words have been used to describe osteoarthritis (OA)—progressive, degenerative, inflammatory, chronic, and insidious. OA is progressive because its symptoms slowly but surely get worse over a lifetime, eventually causing disability and a diminished quality of life. It often begins with a single joint (the knee or hip, for example), … Read More

1. More Than Aches and Pains

· · Bones & Joints
You or someone you know has arthritis: the inflammatory disease we associate with joint pain. But arthritis is not just one disease—in fact, there are more than 100 varieties, and it’s possible to have more than one type of arthritis at the same time. It also can affect more than … Read More

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