Aging & Independence

Ask the Doctor December 2022

Q: Amnesia is a plot device in TV shows and movies, but does it actually occur in real life? If so, how is it different from dementia? A: Amnesia, of which there are several different types, is a rare, but very real condition. Amnesia can affect your ability to learn … Read More

Good News for Drivers Over 70

· · Aging & Independence
According to a 2020 report from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), drivers in their 70s are less likely to be involved in a fatal crash than those in their prime working years. That’s a remarkable reversal for a generation of drivers once thought to be a significant threat … Read More

What to Do If You Fall

This month, we’re looking at interventions that can help ease the fear of falling: a problem that can impact your mental and physical well-being whether or not you already have suffered a fall. The suggestions included in the article won’t just help alleviate your worries—they also will make falls less … Read More

Manage Your Fear of Falling

· · Aging & Independence
Many older adults who fall are left with a fear of falling again even if they aren’t hurt in their initial fall. Such fear can harm your mental and physical well-being, says Mount Sinai social worker Sheila Barton, LCSW. “Many of my patients state that they lose confidence in themselves … Read More

A Difficult Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with a serious health problem can be overwhelming, especially if you are told that you have Alzheimer’s disease. You’ll need time to come to terms with your diagnosis, but there also are important things to consider in terms of how the condition will impact your memory as it … Read More

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