
peace lily Best House Plants for Oxygen

Are There House Plants That Clean the Air?

· · Cancer
Photosynthesis is the biological term for how plants make the energy to grow. It means making something (synthesis) from light (photo). Plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air through small holes in their leaves. They get water from the soil through their roots. Water plus CO2 plus light … Read More
what are sulfites in wine and beer

What Are Sulfites and Are They Bad for You?

Sulfites are commonly blamed as the culprit behind wine-drinking headaches. While that hasn’t been confirmed, sulfites can be the cause of some other serious problems. These food additives have long been used to preserve freshness and are ingredients in many foods, beverages, cosmetics, and medications. They also occur naturally in … Read More
what is lupin

Lupin Allergy: Are You At Risk?

If you haven’t heard of lupin, the up-and-coming legume soon to reach superfood status, it’s time you were in the loop. Hardly a new player in the food arena, lupin beans, commonly called lupini beans, have nourished ancient Egyptians, Incans, and Romans and they continue to be popular in modern … Read More

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