
monkeypox and dna

What Is Monkeypox?

· · General Health
Monkeypox was first diagnosed in humans around 1970 in Central Africa. Early cases were spread from infected monkeys, squirrels, or rodents when humans ate infected meat or handled infected animals. Over time, the virus became able to jump from human to human. For about 50 years, monkeypox only occurred in … Read More
hypersomnia symptoms tired everywhere

What Is Hypersomnia?

· · General Health
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), hypersomnia is recurring and severe episodes of daytime sleepiness or prolonged sleeping at night. Daytime sleepiness may cause an irresistible lapse into daytime napping, sometimes without warning, called sleep attacks. After waking up from a nap or sleep attack, … Read More
ENT doctor examining patients ear

What Causes Excessive Ear Wax?

· · General Health
According to a review in the medical journal American Family Physician, the medical term for earwax is cerumen, and it serves an important function. Earwax keeps the thin layer of skin in your ear canal clean, moist, and protected from germs. Earwax is a combination of wax secreted by cerumen … Read More

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