Carrie Adkins-Ali
Carrie Adkins-Ali is executive editor of the monthly publication Health News, produced by Belvoir Media Group with Duke Health. She's also a contributor to University Health News and former Daily Editor at Natural Health Advisory.
Adkins-Ali has specialized in health care issues and has written extensively on geriatric medicine, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, and non-traditional approaches to senior care.
She also has a passion for the “silver bullet” of healthy lifestyle therapies —exercise and fitness. Carrie experienced amazing benefits such as improved energy, reduced inflammation (helping her asthma), and improved sleep to the point that she became hooked. She also gained certifications through the American Council on Exercise and the American Aerobic Association International.
Adkins-Ali now works in some of her spare time as a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. When she discusses the benefits of regular resistance and aerobic exercise, she speaks directly from personal experience and passion.