
What are Polyphenols?

 Q: What are polyphenols and how can I get them in my diet? A: Polyphenols are compounds found in plant foods, including fruits and veggies, herbs, spices, dark chocolate, tea, and wine. Polyphenols (of which more than 8,000 types have been identified) can be broken down into four main groups: … Read More

What is Food Insecurity?

· · Diabetes
Q: What is food insecurity? A: Food insecurity, which affected 13.8 million households in 2020, is a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life. It can be the result of low income, unemployment, and/or disability. It can be … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Vitamin B12

· · Diabetes
Overview. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in metabolism and energy production within our cells. So, in a way, vitamin B12 does give us energy by enabling us to create energy in the cell, while also supporting other vital functions. Special … Read More

The ABC’s of Zinc

· · Diabetes
Zinc is a trace mineral, meaning that the body requires only a small amount to function, but that small amount is essential for dozens of metabolic enzymes to carry out vital metabolic processes, including creating DNA, maintaining cell growth and division, creating proteins, healing wounds and supporting a healthy immune … Read More

Find Room for Flax

· · Diabetes
Not so long ago, flaxseed was trending high on the health food scene. If this superfood has fallen off your radar in recent years, now’s the time to bring it back and find room for flax in your diet and your pantry. This tiny seed is mighty in nutritional value … Read More

Onions—Worth the Cry!

· · Diabetes
The Folklore. No pantry is complete without onions. Eaten and cultivated since prehistoric times, onions are integral to most every cuisine in the world. In addition to its tear-jerking effect on the eyes and pungency to the palate, onions have a many layered history. The Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks believed … Read More

Breads & Rolls

· · Diabetes
Sliced bread and rolls, or at least sandwich or burger rolls, are most often eaten as part of a meal not a meal on their own. They’re usually the vehicles that allow eating their fillings to be easier. For that reason, when we think about their nutritional quality, we have … Read More

Beet Supplements?

Beet, or beetroot, supplements are gaining quite a following for a number of health benefits, including increased energy, improved physical performance, and reductions in blood pressure. Because they’re made from beets, rich in nutrients and powerful health promoting plant compounds, beet supplements may be a desirable addition to an overall … Read More

Caffeine Withdrawal

· · Diabetes
Q: What happens during caffeine withdrawal and what can I do to avoid it? A: As little as 100 milligrams of caffeine per day (roughly the amount in 12 ounces of coffee) can lead to symptoms of caffeine withdrawal when consumption is stopped. When doses of caffeine are higher (the … Read More

Animal Foods are Vital Nutrient Sources

· · Diabetes
Meat, eggs, and milk are vital nutrient sources of nutrients, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, that are not easily found in plant-based foods, says a new report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Based on more than 500 scientific papers and 240 policy documents, the study … Read More

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