Digestive Health

Spotlight on Supplements: Choline

· · Digestive Health
Choline is an essential nutrient—it’s necessary to maintain optimal health. Our bodies depend on choline for many functions, including regulation of memory, mood, liver, and muscle control. It’s needed to support cell structure and fat metabolism. The liver makes small amounts, but most must come from diet or dietary supplement. … Read More

What Is a Liquid Diet and Is It Healthy?

· · Digestive Health
In America, there is no shortage of diets to cling to. Paleo, plant-based, keto, DASH to name just a few. All with their merits and pitfalls. Another popular choice is the liquid diet, or so-called “juice cleanse.” Juices, blender shakes, tea, broths, and soups—liquid diets are nutrition programs that direct … Read More

Weight Fluctuations

· · Digestive Health
If you weigh yourself regularly, you’ve undoubtedly noticed how shifty your weight can be. Whether a few pounds (or more!) up or down from your last weigh-in, that often-evasive number on the scale can trigger questions and even emotions depending on goals and expectations. Whether due to fat or muscle … Read More

Research Round Up May 2023

· · Digestive Health
• Walnuts Boost Health. Adding one ounce of walnuts daily to the diets of adults and children who don’t normally eat nuts was linked with improvements in diet quality and nutrient intakes, according to researchers. Data from 7,757 “no-nut consumers” was examined to determine percentages over the recommended intake for … Read More

Raising Awareness About Kidney Disease

· · Digestive Health
Kidney disease may not be one of the most talkedabout health topics, but perhaps it should be: An estimated 37 million adults in the United States may have chronic kidney disease (CKD), but the majority of people who have it are unaware of their condition, according to the National Kidney … Read More

Hunger Hormones

· · Digestive Health
Q: What are the “hunger hormones” and can they be controlled? A: Ghrelin is a hormone that is produced in the stomach, and levels rise before meals to signal hunger, then fall quickly after eating and stay low for about three hours. Leptin—a satiety hormone produced in fat tissue—suppresses hunger … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Riboflavin

· · Digestive Health
Do you remember when milk was stored only in clear glass bottles? Many manufactures now rely on opaque packaging that protects specific nutrients from light degradation. One of these nutrients is riboflavin. EN reviews the science behind this essential B vitamin. Background: Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, plays a key role … Read More

Tummy Trouble: When to Seek Help

· · Digestive Health
We’ve all had stomachaches, and most of us have experienced gastrointestinal symptoms like gassiness and bloating, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea at some time. When should we seek treatment for symptoms like these, and when is it okay to wait them out or try to treat them ourselves? Bad Belly. Short … Read More

What are Trace Elements? … Microgreens

· · Digestive Health
Q: What does it mean if it’s a “trace” element? A: Elements known as “trace” elements (or trace minerals) are those that are present in living tissues in very small amounts, usually less than 0.1 percent by volume. Some trace elements are understood to be nutritionally essential (meaning that the … Read More

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