Digestive Health

The Same Foods Can Take Different Forms…

· · Diabetes
Perhaps you don’t give much thought to your morning bowl of oatmeal, lunch turkey and cheese sandwich, and dinner pasta. It all seems healthy, right? Well, research is making it clear that when [caption id="attachment_140740" align="alignright" width="300"] Whole potatoes or mashed? How you consume a food does matter. ©-annebaek | … Read More

What You Need to Know 
About Antioxidants

· · Diabetes
Antioxidants are a nutrition topic that’s had staying power for decades as other nutrition trends come and go. Why? Because although antioxidants can be overhyped at times, there is actual substance behind the hype. Antioxidant Activities. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals—substances that occur naturally in the body but can damage cells … Read More

Ask the EN Experts: March 2022

[caption id="attachment_140493" align="alignleft" width="300"] You can help food insecurity.[/caption] We often hear people lament the struggles of too much food. True, there are food options available at nearly every turn as people fight to maintain health and body weight. However, in a culture of “plenty” it’s easy to forget that … Read More

Is a Flexitarian Diet Right for You?

· · Diabetes
There’s an ongoing dietary movement shifting focus away from animal products towards plant foods, this is no secret. And, there are many reasons people might limit or avoid meat, including religious beliefs, concern for the ethical treatment of animals, health concerns, and concerns about the well-being of the planet. While … Read More

What You Need to Know About “Leaky Gut Syndrome”

· · Diabetes
In recent years, the internet has been full of articles describing symptoms of “leaky gut syndrome”—and offering diet plans and supplements to treat it. You may be surprised to learn that, while there is some truth behind the concept, this “syndrome” is not a clear, medically recognized, diagnosable disorder. Let’s … Read More

The MIND Diet Contributes 
to a Healthier Brain

· · Diabetes
Looking for a diet that might help you preserve your brain function as you get older? You might consider the so-called MIND diet. “MIND” stands for “Mediterranean-DASH-diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.” Scientists developed it by combining features from those healthy dietary patterns—the Mediterranean-style diet and DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to … Read More

Nutrition with a Side of Psychology

· · Diabetes
Weight-loss apps are designed to help you lose weight and keep it off and improve your health through nutrition, all with virtual assistance. There are quite a few apps to choose from, and they all share some common functions, but Noom stands out as a way to lose weight using … Read More

Holiday Apps, Sides, and Sweets

· · Diabetes
[caption id="attachment_139599" align="alignleft" width="102"] © jchizhe | Getty ImagesYes, you can find healthier holiday foods. © jchizhe | Getty Images[/caption] Holidays can be tough when it comes to healthy eating. Some people throw nutrition plans out the window while others avoid holiday foods as much as possible. However, the most … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Spirulina

· · Diabetes
Long before it was proclaimed a modern-day superfood, spirulina was reportedly cultivated and consumed in Aztec culture. Today, EN explores the popularity and proof behind spirulina. Background: Spirulina is a microscopic, cyanobacterium (blue-green pigmented) whose name originates from its spiral shape. Spirulina naturally grows in mineral-rich freshwater lakes or ponds … Read More

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