
What are Polyphenols?

 Q: What are polyphenols and how can I get them in my diet? A: Polyphenols are compounds found in plant foods, including fruits and veggies, herbs, spices, dark chocolate, tea, and wine. Polyphenols (of which more than 8,000 types have been identified) can be broken down into four main groups: … Read More

What is Insulin Resistance?

· · Diabetes
Insulin resistance, or IR, can be tricky. There is no single, common test to check for it, nor are there any symptoms—until it has progressed to prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes. The only way researchers can estimate the number of IR cases is by also knowing the number of prediabetes … Read More

Yellow Toe Nails

· · Diabetes
Q: My toenails are getting rather thick and yellow. What’s going on? A: That may be a nail fungal infection known as onychomycosis. It’s a common condition that causes brittle, discolored nails, usually on the toes. People over 60 are more susceptible to these infections, as are people with diabetes … Read More

Research Roundup July 2023

· · Diabetes
• Med Diet May Lower Dementia Risk. Close adherence to a Mediterranean style diet, one rich in plant-based foods and seafood, may reduce risk of dementia, researchers say. More than 60,000 study participants who were White British or Irish and between ages 40 and 69 years were assessed for Med … Read More

What Happens If You Eat Too Many or Too Few Carbohydrates?

· · Diabetes
Carbs tend to be viewed as the dietary bad guy. But is the situation really so black and white? It’s true that excess carbohydrates has increasingly been shown to contribute to the growing epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that carbohydrates make … Read More

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