Discover the health secrets that help you age without “getting old.”

Chances are you know someone who is your age, but older. They have more trouble walking. More aches and pains. They may even be coping with a list of ailments that frequently has them at the doctor’s office.

But you don’t have to settle for this. It is possible to age well and remain healthy, active, and independent. The key is having access to the health breakthroughs, research findings and insights from medical experts meant specifically for people age 60 and beyond.

There’s no reason to rely on health advice intended for 30-year-olds. You deserve better.

That’s why UCLA Healthy Years wants to present you with a risk-free offer of targeted health secrets meant specifically for older adults. You’ll get trustworthy, up-to-the-minute answers to all your health questions, like:

  • Are multivitamins for ‘older adults’ helpful or is that just an advertising gimmick?
  • Is there any way to stop stress incontinence without surgery?
  • Which counts more toward helping my heart—how far I walk or how much time I spend walking?
  • I have so many spots on my skin how can I tell which are “age spots” and what might be signs of skin cancer?
  • I have glaucoma. Is there any way to improve my vision?
  • Why do I cough all the time? Is it serious?
  • I want to stay in my own home as I age—how can I make this happen?

You’ll get the latest health information straight from the prestigious UCLA Medical Center—ranked as America’s fourth best hospital in geriatrics by U.S. News and World Report. Every issue explores topics relevant to older adults who are interested in living their healthiest and best years possible. For example:

  • The remarkable way you may be able to reverse the signs of aging in the brain.
  • Why you shouldn’t assume your back pain is caused by a herniated disk—even if it shows up on an MRI.
  • A better kind of prostate screening than the widely-used PSA test—it could mean earlier detection and fewer false positives.
  • Why you can’t drink in your 60s like you did in your 20s.
  • The importance of keeping your blood pressure at or below the new older adult target of 130mm Hg.
  • The supplement that actually improves memory and mood in people with mild, age-related memory loss.
  • The 30-second test everyone over 60 should take.
  • 3 common reasons older people may feel tired that have nothing to do with how much sleep you got.

All this information and much, much more is available to you right now just for trying a risk-free, no obligation subscription to UCLA Healthy Years today!

Take advantage of this special offer today and you’ll get access to the doctors and specialists at UCLA who will show you new ways to ward off Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and heart disease. New treatments for arthritis and macular degeneration. New strategies that will have you eating smarter, feeling stronger, and looking your very best.

Don’t miss your chance to get your subscription to UCLA Healthy Years at this special rate. There’s no risk. No obligation.

It’s an incredible offer and it may never be repeated.

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