Before you take your next bite …

Before you fill your next grocery cart …

Before you order your next dinner out …

Now the renowned nutrition experts at Tufts University want to send you their fascinating publication HEALTH & NUTRITION

At a price so low it’s like getting 8 ISSUES FREE!

Will you accept?*

(*) Say “YES!” and get all your money back if you’re dissatisfied for any reason.

You’re at a fish restaurant looking at the menu.

Who will tell you whether the clams, swordfish, or yellowfin tuna contain the most mercury?

Probably, not your waiter.

You’re at the grocery store filling your shopping cart.

Who will reveal which foods lurk in every aisle that can shorten your life … and which can lengthen it?

Probably, not the clerk stocking the shelves.

You’re at GNC perplexed by dozens of products with miraculous health claims.

Who will reveal which popular vitamin supplement sent 16,000 people to the Emergency Room last year?

Probably, not the supplement manufacturer.

Now there is one publication you can turn to for authoritative, trusted nutrition information about which foods may have the power to heal a host of diseases, and can possibly help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life.

And we’d like to send it to you — absolutely risk-free!

It’s called HEALTH & NUTRITION, and it’s published by the world-renowned nutrition experts at the legendary Tufts University.

On page after page you’ll get answers to fascinating questions like these …

  • Can chocolate really lower your risk of cognitive decline by 41%?
  • Can nuts really help you fight cardiovascular disease?
  • Can caffeine really help lower your risk of atrial fibrillation?
  • Can avocados really lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels?
  • Can foods containing magnesium really help prevent or alleviate debilitating migraines?
  • Is diet soda really linked to an increased risk of stroke?
  • Did this variety of wheat really sustain the Roman legions?
  • Did this ancient grain really come originally from the Fertile Crescent?

Our sole purpose is to help you make smart healthy choices before you take your next bite.

You see, no matter your age, it’s never too late to take charge of your health and, by choosing wisely and well, select nutrient-rich foods which can have a significant impact on the health of you and your loved ones — immediately.

Every page of the flagship publication from the world-renowned Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition is chock full of fascinating, eye-opening, life-saving information that will make you shout across the room …

“Hey! Did you know a new study reveals that people who drink coffee — live longer than people who don’t!”

In fact, today there’s a lot to shout about when it comes to nutrition …

  • Which vitamins lower Alzheimer’s risk as much as 40%?
  • What are the 3 foods that may help keep your brain from “shrinking?”
  • How can the DASH diet protect your memory?
  • How can coffee possibly lower your risk of dementia by 36%?
  • How can tea extracts possibly undo “balls” of amyloid plaques linked to developing Alzheimer’s?
  • Can the Mediterranean diet help with depression?
  • Can chocolate protect against AFib?
  • Can eating foods high in potassium help your healthy blood pressure?
  • Can you boost brain function with extra-virgin olive oil?
  • Can the MIND diet protect the brain after a stroke?

We do the in-depth research.  You do the healthy eating.

Thanks to a growing body of scientific evidence, we now know a lot more about which foods may have the power to help you live longer, happier, and healthier.

For instance …

Will a spinach, blueberry and walnut salad help your memory?

50 out of 64 studies showed some association between diet and Alzheimer’s. How? Certain foods can help keep the arteries that transport blood to and around your brain clear and flexible. Which ones?

Subscribe risk-free to HEALTH & NUTRITION and find out.

Can chocolate possibly help your heart?

Several trials have found an association with lower cardiovascular disease risk and blood pressure from eating flavanol-rich foods.  Which delicious foods contain the highest concentration of flavanols?

Turn to your personal subscription to HEALTH & NUTRITION for reliable answers.

Can you really lower cancer risk with Garlic Roasted Cauliflower? 

We won’t go that far yet, but cruciferous vegetables are associated with lower risk of bladder, breast, colorectal, gastric, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, and renal cancers.  And if that’s not enough, one small trial in humans suggests these amazing vegetables may help your body excrete cancer-causing compounds that have entered from environmental exposure.  What are all the cruciferous vegetables?

HEALTH & NUTRITION will give you a handy chart for when you shop.

Each issue of HEALTH & NUTRITION is like a mini-digest of fascinating, healthful nuggets of nutrition information you’ll want to have at your fingertips before you eat your next meal.

Discover what science has to say about using foods for boosting your memory, losing weight, fighting back against diminishing eyesight, or improving your heart health.

Worried you may lose your independence as you grow older?  We reveal the best foods to eat to retain your muscle mass and muscle strength so you can remain active and mobile as you age.

Curious which fish is better for you than salmon, or which cooking oil is healthier than olive oil?  We’ll tip you off to some surprising nutrition facts you may not know — and should!

Wondering which recipes are great for boosting memory, losing weight, and improving your heart health?  Enjoy favorite recipes from Tufts readers like Lemony-Lentil Orzo Stew or Cocoa Banana Ice Cream.

Every meal is a new opportunity for you to take control of your own health.

Why not let the nutrition experts at Tufts help you make smart choices by accepting your subscription to HEALTH & NUTRITION — now for a limited time at a price so low — it’s like getting 7 ISSUES FREE!

Your subscription will help form the foundation of your personal health library and serve as handy nutrition guides you can refer back to again and again.

With so much to gain — and not a penny to lose if you’re dissatisfied with your subscription for any reason — isn’t it worth sending for HEALTH & NUTRITION today?


Greg King

for the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University

P.S.  Do one thing different.  A small shift in your food choices can really benefit your body and your brain. Think of each day as a new slate to start eating healthy.

And today we know many diseases, such as heart disease, can be prevented and treated — if you simply eat the right foods.

There is one remarkable publication that will provide you with reliable, authoritative (often eye-opening) nutrition information to help you make those smart choices and live a long, healthy life.

So why not try the TUFTS HEALTH & NUTRITION LETTER without risk before this remarkable 66%-off savings opportunity ends?

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