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Introducing Mind, Mood & Memory from Massachusetts General Hospital.

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MIND, MOOD & MEMORY is the only resource devoted exclusively to the mental health concerns of men and women in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and beyond.

With all of our advice, you’ll learn about the effects of aging on the brain and how to counteract and adjust to them.

You’ll discover how you can trigger the re-growth of memory improving cells in your own brain…healthy foods that make for a brain-friendly diet…which vitamins and supplements include the essential antioxidants that protect the brain.

You’ll find out how prolonged depression can actually injure your brain — and what you should do immediately.

In every issue of MIND, MOOD & MEMORY you’ll discover the latest ways to improve your memory. For example, see how you can…

  • Increase your memory power just by doing this with a few friends.
  • Lower your risk of dementia by 66 percent by enjoying three cups of this drink!
  • Help restore your razor-sharp memory by eating these three luscious foods.
  • Easily recall everything from words on the tip-of-your-tongue to where you put your car keys!
  • Grow new brain cells directly in the “memory center” of your brain.

Let’s face it, your brain is the star of the show. It doesn’t matter how healthy you are overall – if your mind isn’t in top condition, your health will suffer. That means the most important thing you can do for your health is to take care of your mind.

Let the experts at Massachusetts General Hospital help you improve your mind, mood and memory. Get your risk-free subscription to MIND, MOOD & MEMORY today!

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