Tufts University's Health and Nutrition Letter (HNL)

Tufts University's Health and Nutrition Letter (HNL) logo

Healthy Homemade Food Gifts - December 2023

This gift-giving season, how about going beyond traditional holiday treats (like cookies and cakes) and giving a homemade food gift …

Give Thanks for Foods from the Americas! - November 2023

Foods like sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkin are regulars on our Thanksgiving tables. Let’s take a closer look at some …

Breast Cancer and Diet - October 2023

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we researched the latest information on diet and other lifestyle activities and breast …

High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer - September 2023

With “World Heart Day” coming up on September 29th, this is the perfect month to commit to a few simple …

Beat the Heat with Cool Summer Treats - August 2023

There’s nothing like an icy drink or frozen treat to help tame summer swelter, keep you hydrated, quench thirst, and …

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