Tufts University's Health and Nutrition Letter (HNL)

Tufts University's Health and Nutrition Letter (HNL) logo

Weight Loss Can Improve Lipid Levels - May 2016

Losing weight can improve your cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as your waistline, according to a major new intervention …

Extra Vitamin D No Help in Preventing Seniors' Falls - April 2016

If it’s important to get enough vitamin D, is getting more even better? Probably not, experts are now cautioning. Hopes …

Choose the Right Carbs to Help Control Your Diabetes Risk - March 2016

You already know to avoid added sugars, but now the evidence is mounting that another type of carbohydrate may also …

Longevity Benefits Seen with Moderate Coffee Drinking - February 2016

That extra cup of coffee is not only safe for most people, but might actually reduce your risk of dying …

Fruits and Vegetables Linked to Better Weight Control - January 2016

You already know that fruits and vegetables are good for you—but did you know they might also be good for …

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