Panic Attack Symptoms and Anxiety Symptoms: How to deal with anxiety and how to relieve stress

Learn how to identify anxiety symptoms…manage and lessen stress…and bring calm back to your life.

Dear Friend,

What is stress? What is anxiety?

Stress is that feeling you get when your flight leaves in an hour and you’re stuck in a traffic jam a mile long. Stress is the pressure that builds as a deadline looms at work. Stress is that sudden powerful adrenaline surge that gets you back on the curb as a bus speeds by.

Stress is your body kicking into a higher gear. That’s good stress. But it’s when you body gets stuck in that gear that problems arise. That’s bad stress. That’s chronic stress. That’s stress you don’t want. And it’s stress you don’t need to have!

This free guide from University Health News will show you how to shut down and shut out chronic stress. You’ll get the tools to limit and lessen stress…to recognize anxiety symptoms…and to regain and maintain an ongoing sense of security and welcome peace-of-mind.

Stress is a fact of life. But you determine whether it’s a factor in your life.

Left unchecked, anxiety symptoms and stress can wreak havoc on your mental state, your physical health, and your life. The good news is that you can find solutions for your stress and anxiety.

In this important new report you will be introduced to a host of those solutions…the approaches and techniques that are helping others conquer chronic stress and anxiety. You will gain perspective and direction. The report is yours to download now—absolutely free!

What are stress symptoms? What are the signs of anxiety?

What does anxiety feel like? Anxiety symptoms are well-known—the fast heart rate, butterflies in the stomach, sweating, shortness of breath, weakness in the knees. An anxiety definition might simply be: bad stress.

Bad, chronic stress exacts a toll—physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Long-term stress can bring on fatigue and lead to more frequent illness. Unaddressed, chronic stress can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

Stress and anxiety symptoms should not be ignored.

If you start to find that stress and anxiety are affecting your quality of life, if you aren’t able to enjoy things you once did because of intrusive worries, it’s time to talk to your doctor. Like most health problems, left untreated, anxiety disorders often get worse and harder to treat.

The report will prepare you to work with your doctor to rule out an underlying medical condition and evaluate the severity of your anxiety symptoms. You’ll learn how an anxiety disorder test is designed…the purpose of rating scales…and what your doctor will ask.

Stress may be inevitable. Its consequences are not.

Once diagnosed, you can rein in the changes that stress unleashes. You can soothe anxiety symptoms. But just as we have different stressors that trigger our anxieties, there are different defensive strategies. You’ll find the most successful in this timely free guide.

If you’ve heard about the power of visualization and meditation, but didn’t know where to start, the guide will tell you. In the guide, you’ll master the relaxation response, the calming opposite to the stress response. You’ll be alerted to the dynamic role of nutrition, exercise, and social support. You’ll learn when a professional can help. And you’ll find the value of sometimes simply saying “No.”

Why does saying “No” work? Say “Yes” to the free guide and you’ll find the answer on page 20 . It’s yours to download now!

How to stop anxiety symptoms…How to relieve stress…Step One…

Good or bad stress is a matter of degrees. Anxiety is a problem when it is overwhelming. The most extreme form of anxiety is called panic. Panic attack symptoms can keep you from functioning at all.

So how to deal with anxiety…how to overcome stress? Step One: you own it. Accept that these are your thoughts and you have control over them.

Stress and anxiety busting tools you’ll want to know about.

Probably the best thing you can do to relieve stress and anxiety is to take a breath. When you are anxious, you naturally take quick, shallow breaths. You can counteract this by consciously breathing deeply and slowly. How to do it effectively? See page 18 of the free guide.

The free guide will introduce you to a host of self-help options to quell anxiety symptoms. You’ll explore cognitive restructuring, a strategy to change the way you look at things. You’ll examine techniques, such as guided imagery, that create calm. And you’ll learn about two specific stress-controlling exercise routines.

Can foods produce anxiety symptoms? Yes. You’ll find out what they are on Page 20 and get ideas for healthy substitutions. You’ll read about a simple way to release the negative thoughts you may be holding in. And you’ll get suggestions for communicating better and using mindfulness to reduce everyday stress.

Chronic stress and anxiety symptoms can have many causes.

With stress, the key is balance. A certain amount of stress and anxiety keep us moving forward in our lives, too much can make us unhappy, unable to function, and seriously ill.

Often stress comes from life events. But, when anxiety goes beyond normal worries and concerns, it may be an anxiety disorder.

You’ll learn the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. You’ll gain an insight into specific phobias…why Social Anxiety Disorder is more common in women than men… how Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can escalate…and which medical conditions and medications are most likely to result in increased anxiety.

The free guide will help you recognize an anxiety disorder, perhaps one that a friend or loved one may be suffering. And, as important, you’ll learn how that anxiety can be eased and balance restored.

The ABCs of CBT and other therapies that can successfully address anxiety symptoms and chronic stress.

What causes stress? What causes anxiety? Sometimes it’s all in how you look at it. Or, more precisely, in how you can’t help looking at it.

It’s when negative thoughts take over. It’s when you can only see what might go wrong.

With Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), a therapist helps you identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that are contributing to your anxiety.

In your free guide you’ll learn about not only CBT but other therapies that are particularly good for treating stress and anxiety symptoms. The Guide will help you select the most appropriate approach when considering a professional therapist.

You’ll read about a unique therapy designed to reduce fears associ-ated with a specific memory or thought…about two therapies that borrow from Buddhist principles of mindfulness and acceptance…and one therapy that can help resolve interpersonal issues.

You’ll find eight tips for choosing a therapist. You’ll be briefed on how biofeedback and neurofeedback work. And you’ll find the safest and best anxiety medication choices and more.

You can stress less. Let this valuable report show you how to ease the tension and possess greater calm and peace-of-mind.

Yours for lasting good health,

Tim Cole

Editorial Director

P.S. Like every University Health News report, this guide is 100% advertising-free. We are committed to bringing you health information that is useful, authoritative, and impartial. The guide is yours to download now—absolutely free!

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