
A Review of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

· · Nutrition
Also called sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners, non-nutritive sweeteners are used instead of sugars (e.g. table sugar, honey, agave, corn syrup) to sweeten foods, beverages, and other products, like certain medications and oral care products. These sweeteners, which may be chemically or naturally produced, contain few or no calories, are … Read More

Lab-grown Meat? Making Hummus at Home

· · Nutrition
Q: What exactly is lab-grown meat? A: You’ve probably been hearing more and more about the possibility of seeing meat products on the supermarket shelves that [caption id="attachment_142114" align="alignleft" width="300"] © Guido Mieth | Getty ImagesYes, lab-grown meat is a real thing.[/caption] have been grown in a lab (instead of … Read More

Grab-n-Go Lunch

· · Nutrition
Whether you’re off to work, school, or a day trip, packing a healthy lunch doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. While it can be tempting to turn to time-saving convenience foods, these often highly processed items may not be the best choice. Pack in Nutrition. In addition to … Read More

Is That Popular Diet Plan a Healthy Choice?

· · Nutrition
The recommended dietary pattern includes a combination of vegetables, fruits, non-fat and reducedfat dairy, whole grains, fish, poultry, lean meats, and plant oils. “Consuming a variety of foods across all the food groups is important to ensuring you get all the nutrients you need,” says Susan B. Roberts, PhD, senior … Read More

Newsbites: Dietary supplements and cancer; avocados and waist circumference; microbial transplant for IBS; genes and Alzheimer’s

· · Nutrition
There is No Proof Dietary Supplements Help Prevent CVD or Cancer The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has released recommendations discouraging the use of vitamin and/or mineral supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular disease or cancer. The USPSTF concluded that: • The balance of benefits and harms cannot be … Read More

What’s Your ASCVD Risk?

· · Nutrition
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), commonly referred to as simply cardiovascular disease or heart disease, is a major cause of illness and death in the United States. Knowing your risk can help you and your healthcare provider determine the best ways to lower that risk and prevent ASCVD from occurring. What … Read More

Energize Your Diet

· · Nutrition
Your body is like a finely tuned high-performance car: If you use low-quality fuel, it won’t run as well. Highquality foods will provide the fuel your body needs for the best performance. So how do you energize your diet? First, keep your body adequately hydrated. Your body uses fluids continuously … Read More

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