Digestive Health

9. Diseases and Disorders of the Colon

· · Digestive Health
Any food that remains after its journey through the small intestine ends up in the large intestine, also known as the colon. The six-foot-long colon is where water, some remaining nutrients, and electrolytes are absorbed. Anything leftover gets transformed into solid waste and travels down the colon into the rectum, … Read More

5. Diseases and Disorders of the Liver

· · Digestive Health
The liver doesn’t get much attention when it comes to digestion, but it performs some of the body’s biggest jobs. It converts digested nutrients into products the body requires, and then stores them like a giant warehouse for later use. It manufactures cholesterol, creates bile to digest fats, and filters … Read More

4. Diseases and Disorders of the Stomach

· · Digestive Health
When you think about digestion, no doubt your thoughts go straight to your stomach—and for good reason. This is where the complex process of digestion really begins, and where we often experience many common everyday digestive problems. With walls made of layers and layers of mucous membrane, connective tissue, and … Read More

2. Diagnostic Tests

· · Digestive Health
When symptoms of a digestive disorder appear, they often can be confirmed through a simple physical exam and blood test. Yet, sometimes these are not sufficient, particularly if your symptoms are common to several conditions. In these cases, your doctor may suggest any number of specialized tests to help identify … Read More


· · Digestive Health
Every day, your digestive system works to keep you alive. With every morsel of food and drink, your digestion begins the task of breaking down their nutrients and absorbing them into your body to keep you healthy. The process sounds simple, but look closer and you will see a vast … Read More

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