About the Author

Kate Eldredge

Kate Eldredge earned her bachelor of arts from Cornell University in English with a concentration in creative writing. Her writing career stemmed from her love of dogs and dog shows, and she has won multiple awards for her work in that field. She loves editing, and her biggest pet peeve is the misuse of apostrophes. Kate also has her AAS in Veterinary Science from SUNY Delhi and is a licensed veterinary technician. She lives in New York with her fiance and two dogs.

Articles by Kate Eldredge

Kidney Failure: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Your kidneys work as the filters of your bloodstream, removing waste materials and excess substances such as water while retaining things that your body needs, such as red blood cells and proteins. When blood enters your kidneys, it goes through structures called nephrons that filter out the waste products. These … Read More

Seizures: Causes, Triggers, and Treatments

A seizure is one of those scary things that most of us don't really know much about. But if you or a loved one have seizures or are epileptic, you can work with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and choose the best treatment. What Is a Seizure? In … Read More

Meal Replacement Shakes: Are They Right for You?

What are meal replacement shakes? It's exactly what it sounds like: a shake that is intended to replace an entire meal. Instead of eating a regular meal, you drink a shake. These shakes can be either premade or mixed up at home with ingredients of your choice. Shakes are convenient in that … Read More

Vitamin B3: Keeping Your Heart and Brain Healthy

Vitamin B3—more formally known as niacin or nicotinic acid (not to be confused with nicotine!)—contributes to the function of every part of your body. It plays a key role in metabolism, is necessary for a healthy liver and nervous system, and is important in the production of sex and stress … Read More
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