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Ovarian Cancer Blood Test

Q: Given there is a blood test for ovarian cancer, why is the disease so hard to diagnose? A: Ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose early because the symptoms (which include chronic abdominal bloating, constipation, urinary urgency, and low back pain) are nonspecific enough for many women to either ignore … Read More

Safety of Silicone Bakeware?

Q:  Is Silicone Bakeware Safe to Use? A: Silicone bakeware, made from a synthetic polymer composed of silicon, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen, has become a popular kitchen tool due to its nonstick properties, flexibility, and heat resistance. It can typically withstand temperatures from -40°F to 450°F (-40°C to 232°C), making … Read More

Protein Needs as We Age

Experts agree that protein intake is important for maintaining health and mobility with age, and in fact, research suggests that older adults may need even more protein than younger people. While there are reasons for older adults to not consume too much protein, not getting enough is a more common … Read More

Learning Sign Language

Q: My daughter and son-in-law are teaching their baby American Sign Language. No one in the family has hearing impairment. I applaud them for doing this, but could this interfere with my grandson’s learning to speak? A: On the contrary, there is plenty of research to suggest that babies who … Read More

Research Round Up December 2024

• Med Diet and COVID. High adherence to a healthy diet, such as a Mediterranean (Med) style pattern, may lower risk of COVID-19 infection, researchers say. Study data included the review of six studies published between 2020 and 2023 with more than 55,000 participants from five countries. Three studies reported … Read More
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