Aging & Independence

Your Constant Fatigue Could Signal Anemia

· · Aging & Independence
Frequently feeling tired is one of those apparently innocuous symptoms that often gets brushed off as a result of not sleeping well. But while sleeping badly can cause tiredness, chronic fatigue also may be caused by anemia, a condition in which there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells to carry … Read More

Newsbriefs: Sensory Decline and Dementia; Hearing Loss After COVID-19; COVID-19 Boosts ACP’S; Muscle Relaxant Use in Seniors

· · Aging & Independence
Sensory Decline and Dementia If you can identify smells like roses, paint-thinner, and lemons, and still have good hearing, vision, and touch sensation, you may have half the risk of developing dementia as seniors with marked sensory decline, according to a recent study. The study (Alzheimer’s & Dementia, July 12) … Read More

End-Stage Kidney Disease: Your Treatment Options

· · Aging & Independence
About 37 million U.S. adults have chronic kidney disease (CKD), a condition that can progress to render the kidneys unable to effectively filter the blood. Older adults are particularly vulnerable to CKD, and the condition is associated with serious complications, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. If you are … Read More

Strokes Are Highly Preventable

The phrase “time is brain” is often used by health experts to emphasize the need to act immediately when a stroke is suspected. That is because with each tick of the clock chances of severe and potentially permanent brain damage increase and so does the risk of death. According to … Read More

Muscle Up Your Immune System

Skeletal muscles, such as biceps and quadriceps, are those that enable movement, for example, hitting a tennis ball, riding a bike, or simply opening a door. But as researchers have discovered, skeletal muscles are responsible for much more than locomotion. The field of investigation known as “exercise immunology” is fairly … Read More

Manage Post-Stroke Muscle Problems

· · Aging & Independence
Stroke occurs in the brain, but many of its effects are experienced in the body. One post-stroke complication reported by about half of stroke survivors is spasticity, which manifests as involuntary muscle contractions that may lead to permanent abnormal postures. Spasticity can result in substantial disability that prevents you carrying … Read More

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