Aging & Independence

You May Not Need Those Antibiotics

· · Aging & Independence
Recent research (Infection Control &Hospital Epidemiology, Feb. 5) highlights that many older adults still are not clear on how to use antibiotics even though most are aware that antibiotic overuse is a problem. The data underline how important it is to carefully discuss with your doctor when a prescription for … Read More

From the Editor: Keep Your Cool

· · Aging & Independence
In this month’s issue, we’re reminding you again that no matter how good you might feel with a tan, exposing your skin to the sun raises your risk of skin cancer. But remember that it isn’t just your skin you need to protect in hot summer weather—older adults are more … Read More

A Wake-Up Call from Your Liver

The message, change your lifestyle to improve your health, is so repetitive that it easily falls into the background like white noise. But if your doctor diagnoses a fatty liver, the need to heed that call becomes much more relevant. Lifestyle changes can, in some cases, repair a damaged liver … Read More

Vaccines Offer Protection Against Covid-19

· · Aging & Independence
We have received a number of letters and emails asking for information about the covid-19 vaccine. Some of our readers are excited to know they may soon have a significant degree of immunity against covid-19—but some have expressed concern about possible vaccine side effects. At time of writing, two covid-19 … Read More

What If You Really Need Opioids?

· · Aging & Independence
After studies linked nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) to an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding in the elderly, an American Geriatrics Society guideline pointed to opioids as an alternative treatment for moderate-to-severe chronic pain. That was in 2009, and the ensuing years saw a rapid increase … Read More

Many Factors Can Contribute to Hair Loss

· · Aging & Independence
No one is happy about losing their hair, but it is especially troubling for women. And hair loss is far more common among women than most people realize: In the U.S., 40 percent of people who experience hair loss are female, according to the American Hair Loss Association. “The good … Read More

Newsbriefs: Standing Can Boost Health; Statins for People over 75; Online Physician Reviews

Standing Can Measurably Boost Health It is well-documented that exercise and other moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) reduce the risk of many age-related chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, numerous cancers, and dementia. But what if you can’t partake in MVPA anymore? A new study published Oct. 12, … Read More

What Does a Brain-Healthy Day Look Like?

· · Aging & Independence
A day that combines nutritious food, brain-stimulating activities, social interaction, and physical activity, as well as plenty of sleep, supports brain function to keep your memory, focus, and thinking skills healthy. If you’re skipping some of these simple steps, consider the following sample schedule as a blueprint for how to … Read More

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