Aging & Independence

Man having his doctor check his blood pressure

Ask the Doctor: July 2021

· · Aging & Independence
Q. Is a “trauma” center the same as an emergency department? A. An emergency department (ED) handles a broad range of problems, from non-lifethreatening injuries, such as minor burns and cuts, to more serious events, such as heart attacks and strokes. In contrast, trauma centers are more narrowly focused and … Read More

Diverticulosis is Common in Older Adults

· · Aging & Independence
It’s estimated that about 50 percent of people over the age of 60 have diverticulosis. By the time people reach their 80s, experts suspect it affects nearly everyone. Diverticulosis is a condition in which pouches or sac-like protrusions (called diverticula) develop and push outward through weak spots in the gastrointestinal … Read More

Do You Have Late-Onset Asthma?

· · Aging & Independence
Asthma is typically thought of as a respiratory disease that affects mostly children. Nevertheless, this breathing disorder is often misdiagnosed and undertreated in seniors. It’s estimated that up to 13% of people over age 65 in the United States suffer from asthma. “While most elderly asthma patients have a history … Read More

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

· · Aging & Independence
Endocrinologist Deepashree Gupta, MD, UCLA Medical Center, simply defines diabetes as a disorder in which there is a mismatch between your insulin and blood sugar levels. “When you eat, your food is broken down into a sugar called glucose, which gives you energy,” she explains. “To use glucose as energy, … Read More

Anesthetic Options for Hip and Knee Replacements

· · Aging & Independence
You might think that a surgery as complicated as knee or hip replacement requires general anesthesia, which renders a person unconscious and necessitates a multi-day hospital stay. But it’s not necessarily so. A growing body of evidence shows that regional anesthesia may be the better choice for most people. A … Read More

News Briefs: June 2021

· · Aging & Independence
Treating COVID-19 with Anti-Cancer Drug Berzosertib, a drug already in human trials for cancer therapy, may effectively treat COVID-19, according to a collaborative study led by UCLA scientists. In a series of experiments using different types of cells in lab dishes, the researchers found that berzosertib was effective in blocking … Read More

Life Is Better With Exercise

· · Aging & Independence
Exercise has the power to restore function, reduce and possibly eliminate the need for some medications, speed healing after surgery, boost mood, and improve your sex life, too. And that’s just scratching the surface of what regular physical activity can do. There’s no potion, pill, or procedure that can match … Read More

Look Out for Lyme Disease

· · Aging & Independence
If you love hiking the great outdoors, you may be interested to hear that there may soon be a vaccine to protect against Lyme disease. Spread by blacklegged ticks, Lyme is on the rise in areas where these ticks are common (the northeastern states, Upper Midwest, and South). According to … Read More

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