Bones & Joints


8 Dietary Supplements for Arthritis

· · Bones & Joints
Alternative treatment options can be a good adjunct to medication when it comes to managing arthritis symptoms. Some of the options address physical causes of pain, but don’t forget that chronic pain is complicated. In arthritis, tissue inflammation, bone erosion, and nerve impingement can combine to “rewire” your nervous system, … Read More
arthritis symptoms

Managing Arthritis Symptoms: 3 Alternative Options

· · Bones & Joints
Alternative treatment options can be a good adjunct to medication when it comes to managing arthritis symptoms. Some of the options address physical causes of pain, but don’t forget that chronic pain is complicated. In arthritis, tissue inflammation, bone erosion, and nerve impingement can combine to “rewire” your nervous system, … Read More
causes of arthritis

The Four Causes of Arthritis

· · Bones & Joints
Arthritis refers to joint inflammation, but the term also is more loosely used to describe any disorder that affects the joints. It is a symptom, rather than a specific disease. Arthritic conditions fall into a wider disease category known as “rheumatic diseases.” There are more than 100 types, each with … Read More
arthritis exercises

Arthritis Exercises to Promote Healing, Range of Motion

· · Bones & Joints
The pain, stiffness, and restricted movement that accompany arthritis may seem like a good reason to curl up in bed, but exercise is beneficial in mild-to-moderate arthritis. Arthritis exercise benefits include: Healing. Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygenation within joint tissue, promoting repair. Lower risk of complications. Exercise helps protect … Read More
man suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome

Break Free of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

· · Bones & Joints
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common reason for people with wrist, hand, and finger symptoms to visit the doctor. Almost 4% of the population suffers from chronic hand pain, numbness, and tingling caused by this nerve disorder. Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome People with carpal tunnel syndrome experience a … Read More

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