Stress & Anxiety

Ask the Experts: Hoarding vs Collecting

· · Heart Health
Q: My spouse insists the growing piles of useless items are collectibles, I think he’s hoarding. How can I know for sure? A: It’s a good question because one person’s trash may be another person’s treasure. Hoarding is characterized by the excessive acquisition of and failure to discard objects, regardless … Read More

Viewing Art, Even on a Computer Screen, May Boost Well-Being

· · Heart Health
For centuries people have been inspired by and found joy in observing art in galleries, muse­ums, and public spaces. Recently, an international research team investigated whether view­ing art online can produce similar mood-boosting benefits. In a study published in the jour­nal Computers in Human Behavior, researchers found that among a … Read More

Get Professional Help for Panic Attacks and Anxiety

· · Heart Health
Have you ever suddenly felt overcome with fear and had heart palpitations, sweating, and/or nausea? Or maybe you’ve had pressure in your chest and felt like you couldn’t breathe. If you’ve experienced these symptoms but you can’t identify a cause, you may have had a panic attack. What a Panic … Read More

Is It Time to Take a Memory Test?

· · Heart Health
The occasional memory lapse can often be quickly shrugged off as “a senior moment” or explained away because you’re trying to keep track of too many thoughts at once. However, when those moments become noticeably more frequent or other changes in memory start to emerge, you may start to wonder … Read More

Simple Mindfulness Meditation May Boost Memory

· · Heart Health
Stress can impact memory recall, but there are effective ways to manage it and improve cognitive function. Deep breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation are two effective techniques that can help older adults improve memory recall. By practicing these techniques, you may be better able to remember important information, optimize functioning, … Read More

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