Mobility & Fitness

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Learn to Care for and Feed Your Metabolism

· · Digestive Health
There’s no shortage of advice on how to “boost” your metabolism, and no shortage of people seeking that advice. If you’ve moved out of your young adult years and find it hard to lose weight—or easier to gain weight—it’s easy to blame a slow metabolism. But do our metabolisms really … Read More

A Prescription for Tai Chi?

· · Digestive Health
Integrative medicine has been revolutionizing health care by seeking to empower people to actively participate in their healing journey. Integral to that journey is the use of mind-body practices such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong—all of which have numerous studies elucidating how they can help maintain health and enhance … Read More

Good News! There are So Many Different Ways to Work Out

· · Digestive Health
Regular physical activity is a crucial component of overall health as it is an independent risk factor in cardiovascular disease development. In other words, exercising is beneficial regardless of weight-loss effects. Activities using major muscle groups and engaging the cardiovascular system by increasing and sustaining an elevated heart rate is … Read More

How to Build More Muscle

· · Digestive Health
If you’ve stopped seeing results from your strength-training workouts, it’s time for a change. “It’s important to vary your routine and mix resistance training with more functional movements,” says Susan Stich, PT, UCLA Medical Center. “Functional movements help with activities of daily living, which tend to decline with age when … Read More

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